Friday, March 29, 2013


Ok a lot of yall have asked me about justkeepswimming and you cant find her on youtube...IM SO SORRY!!! LOL its not swimming, its SWEATING!!!!


and she is great go check her out she has a blog too

SOOO sorry also Happy Good Friday!!

I got home like 11:30 last night it was Dads birthday and we went out to eat and had to visit my great uncle AND aunt at the hospital...please pray for him if you think about it..the doctors refuse to operate and he has cancer, it is not looking good.

But we prayed with him last night and I serve a God who is in the miracle business and I believe any thing is possible if it's His will!!

Anyways I took pics for my Favorites post so that should be up tonight!!

Love you all!!!!

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